Introducing a newborn baby to your firstborn child can be extremely challenging as a child who previously used to get all attention from their parents will have to share that with the younger one. Sharing doesn’t come naturally to most little kids. Such an experience can be extremely challenging to both the kids and the parents as it can give rise to sibling rivalry. To make this experience more smooth sailing, Tinibees is here to share a few tips to help your toddler adjust to the new baby.
Tinibees celebrate childhood by supporting babies, childhood by supporting babies and children, and families with thoughtful designs, quality market with convenient shopping options.
Let’s learn about a few ways to help your toddler adjust to the new baby!
- Foreshadow the baby’s coming

Tell your toddler about the new sibling coming before birth. Talk about the attention that you’ll need to give your new baby in a simple way that they can understand.
- Give some time to your toddler

After birth, it is bound to get hectic for both parents. However, even if it’s just 10 minutes of your time, try to give some undivided attention to your toddler. You can take help from the other parent or relatives to have some time for your toddler.
- Offer a gift to your child

It is likely for visitors to come when you have a child. They might bring along a gift for the newborn which cannot be shared with their older sibling. In such situations, to avoid feelings of jealousy in the toddlers’ hearts, you can offer them a gift yourselves. Tinibees can be the perfect place for you to buy a gift for your child.
- Acknowledge their feelings

It is important as parents for to understand and acknowledge their feelings. They might throw multiple tantrums to get your attention on them or to express their frustration, however you acknowledging them and telling them that it is okay to feel that way and you are there for them will help them deal with these feelings in a better way.
- Involve them in taking care of the new-born baby

If your child is a little older, you can ask your child to do a few tasks for you such as putting diapers on the shelf next to the changing table or fetching blankets or bottles for you. Involving them in taking care of the newborn baby will also make them feel proud for acting like a responsible elder sibling.
We hope that the above blog on ways to help your toddler adjust to the new baby helped you. For more such blogs click on this blog https://tinibees.com/blog/
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