
As the weather is changing from cold winter to stuffy summer, we get more exposed to several bacteria. It is high time to get a viral or bacterial infection. Even adults are not fully immune to these things. So, babies need extra care and protection during this crucial time. Here are some tips to take care of your baby in this weather change for those parents who are not yet a pro.

Maintain Hygiene

Maintaining proper hygiene is always the easiest way to stay away from any kind of viral or bacterial infection. Babies are prone to catch diseases so, hygiene is a must for them. Any kind of infection spreads from an infected person to a healthy person. And as a baby’s immunity is not developed fully. So, there is a chance to get affected easily. Most of the viral infections spread through mucus, when you sneeze or cough. In case you are ill and on medication, your breastmilk will help help your little one as it contains the dose of antibiotics that you are taking. But your child can get the infections from any other person who feeds her or take care of her. The disease also can infect your baby from the toys of a doctor’s chamber. Here are some ideas to maintain hygiene.

  • Wash your hand properly before touching your little angel and also ask others to do the same. 
  • Avoid visiting crowded places with your baby.
  • Keep your own toys when visiting places.

In spite of all the precautions, your baby can get sick but not that often if you do not take any precautions at all.

Dress properly

Proper clothing is another key to protect your baby from getting sick. If you are going out for a couple of hours, make sure that you cover your baby properly. It will be best if you put in layers. So that if required you can remove one layer. Use full-sleeved clothes and full pants in order to avoid exposure to the baby’s skin.

Give attention to her diet

Food plays a huge role in keeping your baby healthy. Babies who are on breastmilk totally don’t catch water-borne diseases that easily. But in case your baby is on formula food or already started having solid food and water you should pay special attention to her health and diet. Always use boiled or filtered water for your baby, make sure that whatever your little angel is having it is totally safe. Before going out pack enough food and water for your baby, so that you no need to rely on outside food and drink. 

Pay attention to her bathing routine

Newborns don’t get dirty much as they stay only indoors and also don’t move much. So, bathing or sponging a few times in a week is enough for them. But while giving your little one a bath or sponge, there are some things, that you should keep in mind. 

  • Make sure that the temperature of your bedroom and bathroom is the same, any kind of temperature fall may lead to catching a cold. In case you are unable to maintain the temperature of both the places, make an arrangement of bathing in your bedroom or make the whole massaging arrangement in your bathroom.
  • At the time of massage make sure that there are no gusts of cold air.
  • Maintain a bathing routine. Set a time when your baby feels less cold and use the time to give her a bath.
  • Do not use cold water for her, always use hot water and dry her well before putting clothes on her.


Proper vaccination is very vital to protect your baby from dangerous diseases that can harm her. So do not skip a single vaccination in order to protect her from diseases. Consult with your doctor and do the needful.

So, in order to keep your baby healthy, all you just need is to take some precautions. Follow the above-mentions things to keep your little angel away from any harm.

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