What is parenting?
The duty of a real parent is to help their child in developing good qualities and eliminating personal defects. But, nowadays most of the people think that giving the best and costly earthly possessions such as clothes, toys, paying high fees for their children’s coaching classes are the duties of an ideal parent. Besides giving their children these things, parents also have the responsibility to give their child the true education.
So, here are some tips that will help new parents to nurture good qualities in their children.
Be happy
A happy mind only can make someone else happy. If you are not happy or having a lot of stress then it will reflect in your behaviour with your children. Only the stress-free parents can teach their child to live a stress-free life
Avoid negative talks
Negative talks and approach hurt children too deep. Physical injuries get healed with time. But statements like “you don’t know anything”, “You are good for nothing” affects a child’s mind. So, always keep a positive attitude and encourage your child.
Don’t always find faults in children
It causes stress when parents constantly find faults in your children. Rather parents should acknowledge and praise the good quality that their children have. In this way, the children will feel encouraged and will also try to eliminate their faults.
Accept your own mistakes in front of your children
Children learn from their parents and elders. If you want your children to accept their mistake, you also have to accept your mistakes in front of them. Whenever you hid your mistake it causes tense and your little one will also think “If parents are not accepting their mistakes then I also won’t”.
Interact with them properly
Make sure whenever you are talking with your children you sound more loving than authoritative. Children do not like it when their parent is talking authoritatively with them. When you are talking with your children you are only their mother or father. Your social or career position should not reflect on your behaviour. Whenever you are communicating with your children consider them as a divine principle rather considering them as persons. This will help you to talk with them properly. Always keep in mind that in order to make your children listen to you, you need to explain things properly to them. Go down to the level of your children. Like, if your child is in 1st standard, you need to go to your child’s level and have a talk. Always give time to your children, listen to what they have to share with you.
Don’t put high expectations
As they say, “love exists where there are no expectations”. So, do not put the baggage of your expectations on your children’s shoulders. Your high expectations can cause immense mental stress for your children.
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