
Parenting was never an easy task. And in case you are a first-timer. You already got an idea that it is not a piece of cake. Modern children are very familiar with gadgets. They are growing up seeing us using the latest technologies and also using them as well. Every coin has its two sides. So as this modern technology has good effects as well as bad effects. Nowadays, children get familiar with smartphones, computers, tabloids from a very early age. It is a threat to most of the parents of this generation and psychologists are also pointing out the negative consequences of overusing gadgets. Here are some tips on how you can put a mark on the usage of gadgets.

  1. Determine a maximum duration of time allowance for your child to spend on a device or gadget. The total duration a child can spend with a gadget or in front of the tv depends on her age. And it’s a strict no-no for the children between the age limit of o0 to 18 months. Though a small skype call or video call can be allowed with a close relative. The time duration will increase up to one hour for the children of 2 to 5 years and that one year will include TV, smartphone, computer, tablet everything. Children older than 6 years can be considered 2 hours but make sure that they should not take out the time of other activities such as sleep or any physical activities. 
  2. In place of simply prohibiting suggesting something interesting. Direct prohibiting can lead to conflict. So, always make an alternate plan ready and suggest your little one do that. Such as take away the tabloid and handover a good book and ask her to read it. Or ask her to assemble the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle. Give her colours and paper let her draw. You can suggest different activities depending on her age.
  3. Introduce the digital world to your child properly. Show your little fellow that digital devices and the internet are not just only for fun and entertainment but also a source of information. And they can know almost whatever they wanna know and use them in order to gain knowledge as well.
  4. Set a device-free zone. Select certain spaces such as bedroom, children’s room and certain time such as family dinner or any mealtime, time with nature, which will be totally free from digital devices and the internet. Let her know that she can not bring a phone or tabloid to the dining table. 
  5. Pay special attention to the type of content your child is interested in. till your children reach the age of five, your child’s access to the internet should be entirely controlled by you. And it is best for them to give them access only to the educational content rather than any other gaming stuff.
  6. Set an example. Children copy us. They do the same whatever they see us do. If she sees you reading a book she will also ask you to get her a book and read that instead of spending time with your smartphone. So reconsider your relationship with your digital gadget once again after becoming a parent. Try not to use your phone, computer or whatever smart device you are using in front of your little one. 

Keep these things in mind while raising your children in the age of digital gadgets and the internet. Do not totally keep your little her out of it as nowadays the internet and digital technology have become a part of our daily life and if you do so it will hamper their overall progress which also includes their educational progress as well. Just set a limitation and take control in your hand.

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