Vegetables hold almost all the nutrients that our body needs to stay healthy. And for the growing kids, it is a must to have veggies with a regular diet. But sometimes it becomes difficult to make the little ones eat all the veggies that they require for a healthy wealthy body. So, here are some ways to make them have vegetables.
Be an example
Kids are like monkeys, not literally like monkeys but they do the same thing their parents or elder siblings do by mimicking them. So, in this case you can be the lead example. Let your kid see you watching snack veggies and make your elder kid do the same, if there is any. And you will get to see that your little naughty one is starting to have vegetables.
Blend veggies
Blender is not only to make fruit smoothies; you also can take its help to make a vegetable smoothie. Blend the veggies and serve as smoothies. Your kid won’t know that she just has a handful of spinach with what not other vegetables. It is also the easiest way to make your kid have whatever vegetable you want her to have.
Hide them
If your kid doesn’t know about it then it won’t hurt her. Sneaky but it’s true. Hide the vegetables in the food that she likes to have. Here are some examples
- Grate celery into meatballs and meatloaf
- Shred beets, carrots and zucchini in order to add them in muffins
- Add grated cauliflower into rice
- Hide mashed cauliflower in mashed potatoes
- Add puree quashes along with cauliflower to cream soups
- Include finely chopped spinach into pasta sauce
- Make cauliflower pizza crust
Serve with dips
Kids love dip more than they hate vegetables. In case you are unable to make your little one eat vegetables, serve them with dips. There are plenty of options of salsa, hummus, ranch or another kind of dips. Check which one your child likes the most and serve the veggies with it. You’ll be amazed how she will finish her plate in no time.
Serve as desert
Deserts are definitely a love for the little ones. You can serve chocolate avocado pudding, which only needs cocoa powder, ripe avocado and maple syrup. You can also try zucchini brownies, chocolate beet cake as well.
Bribe with reward
Though bribing is not a good thing. But in case nothing is working then you can try this as your last hope. Ask them to finish the plate of veggies and then reward her with a chocolate or a simple toy. Just make sure that the bribing shouldn’t go to the extreme level or the rewarded gift is not a huge one. Keep it as simple as possible.
Give some time. Don’t force your little bunny if she doesn’t like to eat vegetables at all. Give her some time and keep serving different vegetables with different recipes and let her choose which one she likes.
So now you know how to serve all the veggies to your smart kid in a smart way. Children also think that a food that looks good also tastes good. So, serve those vegetables in a decorative way. You can browse for creative food ideas and can try them on your little one.
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