Apart from studies some sports are always beneficial for your kids. Practicing yoga is one of them. It helps in both mental and physical growth and gives your kid a healthy body and healthy mind. Here are some benefits of yoga mentioned below.
Improves breath control and strength
practicing yoga needs some strength and with regular practice it makes our body more flexible and strong along with them provides mental clarity. When we breath quickly or harshly, we increase muscle tension and also reduce focus. While practicing yoga the systematic and relaxing way of breathing helps to gain physical as well as mental strength. It also reduces the chances of depression, obesity, depressive symptoms and increases self-confidence, self-esteem. practicing yoga improves our overall well being.
Improves memory along with cognitive functioning
It requires concentration of the body and mind in order to practice yoga. Yoga indulges movements of our body, which seeks a proper attention along with coordinated breathing with those specific movements. Some of the yoga poses, mostly the balancing poses, need more concentration than other poses. While practising yoga, kids are actually practicing their ability to focus on the specific task at hand. And with regular practice it improves their memory along with cognitive functioning.
Improves sleep
Some physical activity before going to bed offers a good sleep. If we are stressed or overwhelmed it makes our body tense and keeps our mind full, which eventually reduces the sleeping ability. And we think that kids don’t have any stress so it will be easier for them. But they also have stresses of school work along with peer relationships. And in order to relieve stress practicing yoga is one of the best ways. While practicing yoga, the systematic breathing calms their minds and nervous systems and lets them have a sound sleep.
Improves social relationships
Yoga is typically an individual activity but it also has some social components. We go to yoga classes and practice with other people, also attained yoga communities and share our experience. Yoga practice is more social for kids as it’s all about games, songs and some fun activities with other kids along with learning from one another, especially partner yoga poses. All these things create an engaging and positive environment, kids talk with each other and also learn to have faith in others.
Apart from all these above mentioned benefits yoga gives your child a lot more. It improves coping skill and independence, perseverance and determination, self-regulation, mood and reduces anxiety and stress.
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