Parenting is a challenge. At the same time, you need to take care of your child and also make her learn different things. At the initial time, you just need to take care of your little boo but as time passes and she grows up, you have to train her how to eat by herself, how to dress up and obviously how to poo and pee on in the toilet. As they say, everything has a proper time. There is also a proper time to give your little version of toilet training. If you are a first-timer, then this job will be a little more hectic or challenging for you. But no need to worry about it. Here is a complete toilet training guide for you.
What is the right time for toilet training?
As every toddler is different, there is no fixed age to start toilet training. But for successful toilet training, it is very important to start it at a proper time, never too late or never too early. It is only possible to give your kid toilet training if she is able to control the muscles of her bladder and bottom. And between the age range of 18 months to 36 months, these muscles mature. So, this age range is recommended to start toilet training. It is also surveyed that the right time plays a huge role here more than the actual training method.
There are some signs that you need yo catch in order to understand whether your child is ready for toilet training or not. These signs are
- If she wakes up in the middle of the night though her diaper is totally dry
- If she cries loudly if she feels wet or soiled.
- If she points out to her diaper after or before she poos or pees on her diaper.
- If she starts to get your basic simple instructions.
- If she is interested in visiting the bathroom or enquires about your visits.
If you are getting these signs, then it is time to start the toilet training. Here are some tips to give your kid a proper toilet training.
How to give your baby toilet training?
Giving your little monkey any kind of training is a tough job. And toilet training is not an exception to that. It gets tougher if you do not know how to start. Here are some tips for you to make it a little easier.
Introduce your baby to the toilet pot
When you are planning to give your baby toilet training arrange a baby toilet pot before in order to make your child accustomed to that. Give your child an idea of toilet pot. Allow her to get up and sit on the toilet pot by herself when she is feeling like.
Pt the right clothing on your child
Always dress your child in most accessible clothes, so that she can put is off on her own. First, teach her to sit on the toilet pot fully dressed and gradually make her learn to sit without her diaper.
Explain to her how to use the toilet pot
Give her a proper demonstration of the toilet pot. You can throw the poop from the diaper to the potty bowl and flash it. Let your kid see that, let her flash it, in this way she will learn everything. Keep in mind that children tend to learn those things quicker, which they are seeing you doing it.
Figure out her potty and pee routine
When your child’s eating habits become regular, her bowel movement also gets regular. Normally at this age, most of the children have a bowel movement after her meal and once a day. So, let her sit in the toilet pot for about 30 minutes after each meal. When it comes to peeing, you will notice that on an interval of two hours or immediately after having a large drink your baby has a bladder movement. Once you understand the pattern you will be easier for you to give her toilet training.
Accompany your kid
At the initial stages be with your child when she is pottying. Talk with her while she is on the toilet seat.
Be patience
Encourage him to use the pot and have patience. Never scold her if she wet or spoiled her clothes while using the pot. Giving toilet training is a time taking process and it can take about six months. Scolding him or forced him to use the pot won’t work in this case.
It is also advised to get an expert’s help. Ask your pediatrician about potty training. You also can start at the right time on your own keeping these things in mind.
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