Self-esteem is your subjective sense of overall personal worth or value. Similar to self-respect, it describes your level of confidence in your abilities and attributes. Good self-esteem is important for healthy child development. Tinibees is here to help with this blog.
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Let’s learn about a few ways to build more self-esteem in your child:-
- Acknowledge their Feelings

Acknowledge how they are feeling and encourage them to talk to you. You can also challenge the way they think about themselves by saying positive comments about a particular issue they have been down on themselves about. Acknowledge how they are feeling and encourage them to talk to you
- Help to set achievable goals.
Few things are more beneficial to self-esteem than success. Work with your child to establish these goals. Begin with goals that are easy to accomplish to provide them with a taste of success and the confidence boost that goes along with it. For example, an achievable goal for a young child might be to pick up their toys and put them away, They might complain, but kids feel more connected and valued when they’re counted on to do age-appropriate jobs
- Praise perseverance

Learning not to give up at the first frustration or bail after one setback is an important life skill. Confidence and self-esteem are not about succeeding at everything all the time, they’re about being resilient enough to keep trying, and not being distressed if you’re not the best.
- Discourage perfection.

Discourage your child from attempting to be e no one can win. We, as adults, know that perfection is unattainable and it is extremely important to teach your children the same. Your child’s self-esteem will suffer when they realize they can never be perfect. Show them that you value effort and progress. These are actions that anyone can achieve.
We hope that the above blog on ways to build more self-esteem in your child helped you. For more such blogs, click here https://tinibees.com/blog/
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