Bedwetting is a common problem for toddlers and kids growing up. It is often a concern for parents how to help their kids get rid of this problem. To help parents navigate around this problem and to make sure you and your child don’t have to go through it themselves, Tinibees is here to help you through this blog.
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Let’s learn a few tips on how to help kids with bedwetting:-
- Don’t Humiliate

Never make your child feel ashamed for wetting the bed. As a parent, it is understandable to feel frustrated and annoyed. However, humiliating your child for something natural isn’t right as for years on it can have an effect on their self-esteem.
- Daytime Training
Try to get your kids into the habit of regularly drinking water and emptying their bladders throughout the day can help them build the muscle awareness and control needed to stay dry through the night.
- Bathroom Breaks Before Bedtime
Encourage bathroom breaks before bedtime. Make sure your child goes to the bathroom right before his bedtime and then wakes him up after he has been asleep for two or three hours and takes him to the toilet.
- Reduce Liquids at Nights

Limit the liquid intake at night. Make sure they have enough liquids throughout the day rather than waiting to consume liquids late at night. Especially, try to avoid sugary drinks as those could lead to these incidents happening less frequently.
- Use Bed Covers
This is a foolproof method for a majority of parents. Using bed or mattress covers helps in not ruining the mattress. You can also use the “double bubble” method of making a bed. Layer a plastic sheet, a regular sheet, and a blanket; then repeat the process. Additionally, lay a clean pair of clothes for them to change into whenever they wake up in the middle of the night.
- Be Patient
Sometimes being patient and waiting it out can also help. Such things stop when the child themselves grows up.
We hope that the above blog on how to help kids with bedwetting helped you and your child tackle the problem of bedwetting to an extent. For any other needs of your child, Tinibees will take care of them. For more such parenting blogs, click on this link https://tinibees.com/blog/
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