Things You Can Do When Your Child Throwing a Tantrum

Kids are kids. That is obvious. But what we sometimes fail to understand is that they have a hard time navigating around big and strong emotions as they can easily be overwhelmed by them. This anxious feeling often leads to them having a mental breakdown or throwing a tantrum. It can be extremely hard for new parents to calm a baby throwing a tantrum. That’s why Tinibees is here to help you and give you some tips.

Tinibees is a premium brand for baby products and footwear that caters to every need of a newborn life from apparel to safety and many more. 

Let’s learn about things you can do when your child is throwing a tantrum:-

  1. Stay calm 
Things You Can Do When Your Child Throwing a Tantrum

We know it’s easier said than done but actively work on finding and keeping your cool. Kids instinctively pick up on our emotions, so trying to stay calm can stop things from escalating and it shows your child that you can calm down in difficult situations. Do whatever you need to do to stay calm like practices such as deep breathing, taking a short break to compose yourself, repeating the mantra ‘this too shall pass, and reminding yourself that this is not personal.

  1. Get down to their level
Things You Can Do When Your Child Throwing a Tantrum

Don’t look down from above, get down on the floor, sit beside them, and meet them where they are.  Try to maintain eye contact with them.

  1. Keep your voice slow and low

Speaking in a slow, low, voice can make you sound like you are calm and in control, even if you are not really!

  1. Empathize

Let them know you understand how hard it is to manage when one’s big feelings. You can also help them name the feeling they’re feeling. Whether it is anger, sadness or a mix of both, identifying the feeling can help in moving forwards with a way to calm them down.

  1. Try some physical calm-down techniques

Model deep breathing, or try one of these breathing exercises. Offer a hug or a tight squeeze, or rub their back if they will let you.

  1. Offer something to eat or drink
Things You Can Do When Your Child Throwing a Tantrum

Things are always worse when you are ‘hangry’, and offering food or a drink may break the cycle long enough for the child to gain some control.

  1. Use a calm space

If you are at home set up a calm space and stock it with calming tools such as sensory bottles, fidget toys, headphones, audiobooks, etc.

  1. Wait it out.

Sometimes all you can do is wait until it is over. Give them space to let go of their emotions. If they want to flail their arms around while crying, let them. But still, remain close to making sure that they do not cause harm to themselves. 


Different things will help in different situations, with different kids, so pick and choose the things you think will help you the most. We hope that the above blog on things you can do when your child is throwing a tantrum helped you in the slightest. For other needs of your baby, Tinibees is here to handle all the tantrums! Click on this link to visit the official website https://tinibees.com/

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