5 Must-Know Baby Feeding Tips

During the first six months, babies go through several changes. In this exciting time it is important to give your baby all the nutrients she needs for a proper growth. When your baby is 4 months old she starts babbling along with listening to surrounding things, and their weight also reaches doubles than that was when she was born. In order to fuel this amazing growth, your baby needs some nutrients.

Breast Milk

During the time of pregnancy you are giving your baby all the nutrients along with energy that she needs. It fulfills her requirement while he is growing in your womb and she also stores some nutrients, like iron for the first 5 to 6 months after birth. 

After your baby’s birth, breast milk provides all the nutrients that she needs for the first six months. After then you need to introduce her with some solid food as breast milk alone can not provide all the nutrients that she needs for her overall growth. Breast milk contains all the nutrients that your little angel needs for her first six months. Once she reaches the age of 6 months besides giving her solid food you also need to continue breast feeding till 12 months or more as per her desires. 

Your breast milk works both as a food and water for your baby during her first six months. So she is getting enough water in warm weather as well but in hot weather there may be a requirement of frequent breastfeeding, but giving her too much water makes her have less breast milk and it is the time when she lacks all the necessary nutrients she needs. 


During the first few days after birth a thin yellow “premik” called Colostrum flows from the breast and is enriched with disease fighting antibodies. It contains a high level of protective factors, which fights against infections and many other nutrients, necessary for overall growth and developments. 

Mature breast milk

During the next two weeks, the breast milk changes over time and supplies all the nutrients that your baby needs during her growth. During this time there will be also an increase in the volume of breast milk. And by the time of four to six months your breast milk gets fully matured and its main composition remains instant for the rest of the time. 

The mature breast milk contains, 

  1. Proteins: For baby’s overall growth and development the breast milk contains two main proteins, named casein  and whey.
  2. Fats: The fat present in breast milk provides 55% of a baby’s energy.
  3. Carbohydrates: Lactose is the main carbohydrate that is present in the breast milk.
  4. Minerals and vitamins: Breast milk also contains some of the required vitamins such as vitamin A and vitamin B along with iodine. This varies depending upon the diestv plan of the mother.

So, as we can see that all the nutrients that your baby requires in the first six months is present in breast milk. And in order to give your baby all the nutrients, the mother also needs to follow a healthy diet as well.

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