Summer is here and in order to cope up with the hot weather acs and coolers are our best friends. For them we get those eight hours of sound sleep in spite of the hotness. But using acs and oilers for a long duration is not that healthy, especially for your baby. So while using acs or oolers make sure that you are using it in the right way. Here are some things that you need to know if you have acs or coolers and a baby.
Perfect room temperature
That little piece of love that you have is really sensitive to temperature. A little change in the temperature can leave a serious effect on your baby. So maintaining a proper room temperature is very important for her. Always keep the temperature of the ac in between 23 degrees to 26 degrees celsius,which will depend on the outside temperature as well.
Dress your little one properly
It is absolutely not okay to give your baby a direct blast of cold air. She is too tiny to handle the direct blast of cold air and can fall sick. In order to protect her from that, proper clothing is necessary. Try to cover her as much as possible with comfortable clothing and make sure to place her in a position away from the direct cold air. If needed you also can use a light blanket. Also don’t forget to check on her and if she feels hot remove them.
Service the ac time to time
You have to be extra careful when you have a baby at home. So, your ac needs to be survived on a regular basis. Those dusts and toxic particles collected in the filters are definitely not safe for your baby. So, get your ac cleaned and serviced on a regular time intervals for that ask your dealer how often it should be serviced.
Adjust with dry hair
Acs also takes away the humidity of the room and leaves it dry. It also takes away the moisture of your little ones skin too. So, do not forget to apply moisturizer on an interval and keep her skin soft as it is. You also can keep a bowl of water near the ac to maintain the humidity of the room.
As it is told earlier that a slight temperature change can affect your baby. So before going out on the hot weather, turn off the a and wait for some time then step out to the hot atmosphere. This way you will be able to adjust the huge temperature change.
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