
Rashes are pretty alarming if it gets your baby. Heat Rashes can be severe in some cases and cause your little one too much discomfort and irritation. It also makes her fussy and irritated. Though there is no age boundation for heat rashes but as babies have smaller sweat glands, so, the chances are much more than us adults. Here is a total guide on heat rashes or miliaria. 

Why do babies get heat rash?

Generally when the sweat gets trapped under the skin heat rashes appear. Children have smaller sweat glands than adults so they are unable to regulate the body temperature and are more likely to get heat rashes. Apart from that tight clothes, blankets and swaddles are also some reasons for these baby heat rashes.

Here are some more common reasons of baby heat rashes,

  • Babies’ bodies are not that much able to regulate the body temperature.
  • Babies are unable to take off the extra clothes or move away from the heat when it is needed.
  • Babies have much more skin folds, which traps sweat and heat.

What are the types of heat rash?

On the basis of the severity of the heat rash or miliaria, doctors have divided them in three category

Miliaria crystallina: This type of heat rash is the least severe. In case there is any blockage in the sweat glands specifically in the epidermis area, this kind of heat rash occurs in the form of tiny clear or white blisters. 

Miliaria ruba: If any blockage occurs in the sweat glands near the surface of the skin or epidermis area, and the second layer of the skin, which is allied dermis, this kind of heat rash forms. This causes bumps and also discolouration such as redness including itching. This is the most common type of heat rashes. 

Miliaria profunda: It is the most uncommon and also most severe type of heat rash. If sweat in the dermis area leaks into the dermis area, it causes intense burning and flushing. Babies, who have miliaria profunda also can develop signs of heat exhaustion. 

Treatment and home remedies for heat rashes

Without any treatment normally miliaria go away within some days. By you can ease the discomfort of your baby with the help of the following tips

  • Rinse away sweat and oil with cool water and gently pat the area dry
  • Keep your baby’s skin dry and cool
  • If you notice the first sign of heat rash move the baby to a cool place
  • Apply some cool compress to the affected areas
  • Use fans or air conditioning to keep your baby’s skin cool
  • Let your baby stay naked in order to keep her cool
  • Keep the baby hydrated.

Unless the doctor recommends any specific creams avoid using any rash cream to your baby’s delicate skin. In case of severe heat rashes it will be best to consult with the doctor.

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