
Astrologically it is believed that the babies, who are born between the date range of st March to 19th April belong to the zodiac sign Aries. The zodiac element of Aries is fire and the ruling planet is Mars. Here are some characteristics trends of your Aries baby.

Attention seeker

If your little angel is an Aries, then you need to give her a lot of attention. Aries childer are a typical attention seeker. They are also very loud about their request to you. From banging on the table to yelling their lungs out, they will do everything to grab your attention.

Quick and Keen

Aries babies are cheerful, positive and keen to try new things. They also learn a new thing quickly due to active eagerness. They will be the first of his group to crawl, talk and walk. They like to take charge as a lead.

Natural Leader

Aries children are one of the likable and sociable. They are natural leaders and love competitions and sports. When it is trying a new thing or taking a challenge, they will be in the first row. But they are not so much fond of authority. So, whenever you want them to do anything do not order them rather offer a smile and praise.


Aries babies are get tempered really quickly. A small thing can burn the fire of anger and make them burst in an unusual manner. Though the anger dissolves quickly into joy and happiness. Aries babies tend to be very affectionate and loves to give warm hugs and kisses.

Tough yet Fragile

Aries children are too straightforward and not that emotional. But from the within they are fragile. So, they need extra support whenever anyone hurts their feelings. They want to be liked and will love it if you express your likeness to them frequently.


You will find your little lam sharing her toys or favorite food with others. They are generous and this will increase as they grow up. Future you will also see them to giver their last penny to another one, needless to say, that will cause them financial crisis as well.

Super duper busy

You will find your Aries baby busy in doing something all the time. From birth, they are easily engaged with the things around them. As soon as your baby starts crawling it will be impossible to make her stay in one place without doing anything. So, good baby-proofing is a must for them. 

As now you know that your baby has the above-mentioned characteristics, it will be easier for you to handle her. Keeping all these things in mind make a plan on how you are going to parent your little angel.

Disclaimer: Every person is unique in her own ways and so does babies too. These are some common traits that are observed in Aries babies. There are also a lot of kids who do not show these personality traits, despite belonging to the same zodiac sign.

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