The 8th day of March is celebrated as International Women’s Day. The world has dedicated a date to the women. On this day, some places in the world celebrate womanhood and also there are some places that consider this day to protest. This day is the significance of women empowerment.
From ancient times, women are highly neglected. Our society keeps women out of the decision-making process and they are fully dominated by the men. And women empowerment is considered as the process of giving women the power to decide for themselves. Though western countries have come a long way in women’s empowerment. But third world countries such as India have to go a long way.
If we go with the past statistics we will get to know some really shocking pieces of information about the girls and women of our country. According to a study by the Times of India 90% of the total 11 million abandoned children are girls. Many girl children are being killed even before talking birth. They can’t even see the light of this universe. Another study, done in July 2019, says in the last three months no girl child was born in around 132 villages. In the year 2001, there were 908 girls for 1,000 boys and after 10 years it is reduced to 890.
It is very sad that we are hampering the balance of nature. Women are considered as the womb of the universe, she is the nurturer. If we keep killing the nurturer before she takes birth, we create an imbalance and we also have to pay for the sin we are doing. All this is just because of the preference for sons. Gender bias kills around 2,39,000 girls every year. As per the United Nations study, the decreasing number of girls in India had already reached the “emergency proportions”, which indicates the crimes against women.
We have already done enough injustice for women. It is high time to pay that back or at least give up on the crimes that we are doing with women. And if we do not put an end to it we will be the one to suffer the most. Only an 8th March could not fix anything if we do the same thing for the rest of 364 days. We should dedicate the whole year for the “Devi”s and not only just the 8th day of March.
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