The festival of colours is here. Holi is one of those festivals, which are celebrated most enthusiastically all over India. Along with adults, kids are also getting super excited for this festival. From selecting their favourite pichkari or water gun to choosing different colours this festival brings a bunch of joy yo us. But it is also very important to follow some safety measures in order to enjoy the festival to the highest. Safety becomes more important when you are celebrating it with your little one. Children are always the musketeers and they need to be monitored properly. Here are some safety tips to make your Holi more special.
Keep an eye on your little
Never allow your children to go out of your sight or keep an eye on them wherever they go or whatever they do. Always check on them and ask them not to play Holi with any stranger. In case you notice any unsafe behaviour or action immediately stop them. This way you will be able to avoid an unpleasant situation.
Wear proper clothes
Make your little one wear full sleeves clothes with full pants. So, their delicate skin won’t get direct exposure to colours. It is really important to keep your toddlers skin protected from the toxic colours in order to avoid any kind of allergy or skin disease.
Wear a sunglass
Eyes belong to the most delicate organ of our body. If you want to keep them safe from harmful colours, wear a sunglass or an eye protector glass. A pinch of colour dust can cause a serious injury to your little one’s eyer. So from the beginning take precautions.
Use organic colours
Choose the colour wisely. Do not compromise with the quality of the colours. There are several organic colours are available on the market, which is totally safe for our skin as well as baby’s skin. These colours are made in an organic way from different parts of the plants. It contains no chemicals and does not harm your skin.
Take care of your kiddo’s skin
Taking proper care of your little one’s skin is very important before playing Holi. apply oil or petroleum jelly to your skin and also oil your kid’s hair before playing Holi. It will protect your baby’s skin from toxic colours and also make your task easier when you will remove colours.
Bathing instruction
It will be great if you give your kid bath just after playing Holi. Use the mixture of curd, besan and turmeric to remove the colour. Do not use kerosene rather use cotton and dip it in coconut oil to get rid of the colour.
Apart from implementing these tips you also can encourage your little one to play an eco-friendly Holi by giving them some instructions such as not to throw water balloons, not to throw colours over animal and plant, not to use Mudd or paint. Keep a quick first aid box ready in case any accident happens. So, keep these things in mind and celebrate this festival of colours with a blast.
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