Does your baby wake up at night? Here are some reasons for it and also how to prevent it

Infants cry a lot and they also sleep a lot. In the first three to six months, they spend most of the time sleeping. In spite of a continued sleep, newborns prefer discrete periods of sleep. They sleep eight to nine hours in the whole day and another six to eight hours at night. And when they get bored of sleeping a lot they start crying… Just kidding! Crying is the only way your little one express her feeling. There are several reasons for crying.
1. Pure hunger:
The baby has a very small stomach. So, they can’t have much food at a time and need to be fed frequently. If your baby is crying in the middle of the night, then it is probably because she is feeling hungry. Pay attention to the huger signs, such as putting her fist in mouth, smacking her lips and fussy. So, if it is already two or three hours have passed since the last time you fed, probably she is about to wake up. So, fed her before she starts crying. But keep in mind, not to overfed her or she will cry again.
2. Hunger-Gas-Crying cycle:
When your baby is hungry for some time, she became frenzy and find it difficult to calm down. And when she is having her meal frantically, she gulps air with the milk and causes gas. As a result of this, your baby starts to cry more in spite of getting back to sleep. In this scenario making her burp will help to get relief from the gas. Placing her down on her belly and rub her back gently will do a lot.
3. Felling uncomfortable due to wet or dirty diaper:
There are many babies, who can tolerate a wet diaper but some babies want to get changed as soon as it gets wet or dirty. And if you change the diaper immediately, your baby will go back to sleep again. So whenever your baby cries at night, check her diaper and if it is dirty then change it without communicating much with her, so that she can get back to sleep.
4. Toothing trouble:
If you are unable to find any reason for your baby’s crying at night, there is a possibility that it is because of teething. From the early four months’ age of your baby, she might be started feeling teething pain. Excessive drooling, chewing everything that she gets are the signs of teething. Massaging on your baby’s gum gently or giving her a baby teether will be definitely a good idea if your little angel is teething. And if the teether is refrigerated it will be great for her.
5. Other feelings:
Though the main trigger of your baby’s crying is hunger, she also can cry due to some other discomfort. Sickness, fatigue, and tiredness can make us adults want to cry. In case your baby is feeling the same, she will cry and it will be hard to stop her. If she is crying more than then it may be because she is feeling sick. Consult your child specialist if this is the reason. Some times, your baby just wakes up and cry to grab your attention. Do let her know that you are there, she will get back to sleep in no time.
So, next time if your little love wakes up the middle of the night and starts crying loud, check the time if she is hungry or not. Check her diaper as well. In short search for all these check-points and handle the situation as per that.
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