Travelling is always fun but only before you become a parent. Parenting is another kind of challenge for several reasons. Though we like to travel and explore new places, we also get tired at some point. And babies get stimulated and over-tired really quickly and easily. Kids prefer to be in a routine and they react in a very unusual manner if the routine hampers. Air traveling is a difficult one for them. If you are traveling with your baby then you will hear a lot of complaints about your crying doll and end up being irritated. Here are some tips to soothe your crying baby in flight.
Search for the normal crying reasons
Crying is the only way babies communicate or give an indication of any kind of discomfort, So, if your baby is crying on the flight, first check her diaper and in case it is found that the diaper is dirty, change it immediately. And if you found a totally okay diaper then maybe your baby is hungry or thirsty. So it is best to keep handy some extra diapers along with some food.
Distract her with toys
Give your baby a pacifier as it will deal with the air popping situation. Try to accustomed your little munchkin with only one pacifier. If you can do that then you just hand over the pacifier to your baby and just relax in your flight. It will also keep your baby distracted. Experts say that the more familiar things you can give to your baby the more she will be without crying. Bring two or three of her favorite toys and keep them handy. So that whenever she starts crying you can hand over her favorite ‘bunny’ or ‘sheru’ and keep her distracted.
During take-off and also while landing feed your baby
The most crucial time of a flight is the takeoff and landing time. In the middle of the flight, everyone stays calm and so do babies too. Due to the sudden change of the pressure, we adults also get uncomfortable. And your baby’s ears are more sensitive than that of us. So, the takeoff and the landing will be the perfect time to feed your baby. Sucking their milk will allow your baby’s ear to pop up naturally and at the same time, it will also ease the pressure that will cause undue crying.
Bounce your baby
After the fasten seatbelt sign is off start to bounce your crying angel. Your baby will always like to be bounced at any stressful situation. At the time of takeoff and landing the pressure changes and it makes your baby start crying. It will be a good idea to keep your baby on your knees and bounce her. She will stay distracted and will stop your little one from crying. Some excessive kind flight attendants also take babies and bounce them for their parents when they are going to the washroom.
Try to follow the exact routine
Babies and also children like to be everything as per the routine. They do not like any kind of rescheduling. Most of the parents end up changing the schedule of their babies, which are not at all welcomed by them. So whenever you are traveling try to keep your baby’s eating and sleeping schedule unhampered. In this way, she will feel more homely and there will be something that won’t make them think that they are somewhere else.
Handle your baby calmly
Everyone loves babies but most of us are not willing to face a crying baby. So, ignore those co-passengers who are irritated due to your baby’s cry. In that scenario, if you get irritated or anxious then you will only end up making your baby cry louder and more. So, be calm and handle your little angel with patience. If you stay calm and ineffective by the chaos, your baby will be soothed quicker.
Give her some time
Sometimes, we end up making the baby cry harder while trying to make them silent. When nothing is working and all your attempts are going in the vein, maybe your baby is overtired and overstimulated. So, leave her as she is and give her some time to work it out by herself.
So next time you are on an airbus with your little pumpkin keep these things in mind and try these tricks to calm down your angry bird easily and effectively.
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