Capricorn is the tenth zodiac sign and has Saturn as its ruling planet. If your baby is born between 21st December to 20th January, congratulations you are blessed with a Capricorn child. If you believe in astrology why limiting it only to the grown-ups? It will make your task easier if you are aware of the characteristics of your baby in terms of their zodiac sign. Here are the personality traits that you need to know to bring up a Capricorn baby.
Shares a fiery relationship
Though Capricorn is an earthy sign, they share a fiery relationship with their mothers. At times, there will be strain and frustration between the mother and child relationship but you can be super proud of them. You never know as time passes, your child can be your best friend.
Like predictability and consistency
Your Capricorn baby is a bit allergic to any kind of change, whether it is a bedtime routine or foods they prefer consistency. They thrive for predictable and consistent parenting. Any kind of change or spontaneous new things can put your Capricorn baby into fussiness or frustration. So, if you are aware of any kind of change or new environment that is coming, try to think as a Capricorn and make your baby as well as yourself for the upcoming experience.
Too stubborn and at the same time ambitious
In case you have a Capricorn baby, you will run out of trying different kinds of soothing way to make your child do a thing. Bribery is the only option that you have in order to make your baby do what you want. Having independence in their characteristics, Capricorn children demand alone time in order to sort things by themselves. Stubbornness makes them ambitious too. If they want to achieve anything they will definitely achieve it by paying whatever it is required.
Quick Adopter and perfectionist
The Capricorn sign consists of a goat and fish hybrid, which implies that they are flexible and can adjust themselves in any situation. As they like predictability and consistency, your baby will show frustration to any change but they will definitely adopt the change without any major issue. They are also perfectionists. So, you can stay relaxed as the homework will be done, the books will be well maintained and if they are old enough, their room also will be cleaned and uncluttered. As a bonus, you can use their perfection to do any of your work but make sure to do it in the best way they can smell your intentions.
Attention seeker at the same time introvert
Every child demands a lot of attention especially the Capricorn ones. They will do anything to attract your attention. In case of a personality mismatch scenario, it will take some time to figure out how much attention they require. At the same time, Capricorns are also a bit introvert or like to spend time at home by themselves. They avoid contact with any strangers easily, in order to make friends you have to gain their trust. They are open only to their closest friends.
Old soul
Because of their calm nature and matured behaviour, the Capricorn children are defined as an old soul. Without throwing a tantrum, they behave in a quiet and matured way. This well-behaved sun sign makes you feel really blessed at the time of changing diapers, feeding and giving any kind of training at the growing stages.
You will thank your stars someday if you have a Capricorn child because of their self-sufficiency. No child born self-sufficient. It is obvious that you need to teach them slowly and steadily but being an early learner you will be amazed by how quick they will adopt them. Teach them to do their homework on their own, make their own bed, sort their toys, do their dishes and they will surprise you by their self-sufficiency.
Future leader
Having most of the leadership qualities such as intelligence, sensitivity, quick adaptability, curiosity and obvious self-sufficiency made them a great leader. They also able to give excellent advice at the time of need and can handle a tricky situation smartly. Your child may nominate himself as a class monitor or a group leader.
As now you know that your baby has the above-mentioned characteristics, it will be easier for you to handle him or her. Keeping all these things in mind make a plan on how you are going to parent your little angel.
Disclaimer: every person is unique in his own ways and so does babies too. These are some common traits that are observed in Capricorn babies. There are also a lot of kids who does not show these personality traits, despite belonging to the same zodiac sign.
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