
Tinibees baby reusable cloth diapers | Washable cloth diaper for babies with free Insert (pack of 2)

It is the high time to upgrade your baby’s diapering solution. Tinibees is offering you the chance of switching to a smarter diapering option. Despite its poor soaking capacity, our elder generations had used cloths or langots as a diaper. Just because clothes do not have a good soaking capacity, it was necessary to change them frequently. After that nowadays the use-and-throw diapers are ruling the market. But these quick absorbent use-and-throw diapers contain chemical to enhance the soaking capacity. Also, these plastic-made diapers hamper our environment. Those soaking chemicals and plastic, both are bad for your little one. Tinibees has brought to you a new generation baby cloth diaper adjustable, which is a totally chemical-free diapering solution with excellent soaking capacity. If you are tracking all your expenses, you will get to know that every month you are spending a huge amount just only on your baby’s diapering.  

This Tinibees baby cloth diaper adjustable comes with three layers of chit buttons. With the help of these chit button, you can resize these diapers as per your requirement. The diaper has only one size that is extra-large, but you can resize it to large, medium and also small. On the thigh and waist, it also has elastic, which offers excellent fitting. Due to its proper fitting, it prevents any kind of leakage. The outer fabric is fully waterproof, so there is no chance of getting wet. The inner fabric is too soft. At the same time, the soaker pad offers an excellent soaking capacity and total comfort. You also can wash the baby cloth diaper adjustable along with its soaker and both hand-washing as well as machine-washing are recommended. 

As you can wash the diaper whenever you want to and though the soaker pad will take some time the diaper pant will get dry within 3 to 4 hours approximately. So, you can reuse it, which will eventually reduce your diaper coating. This cloth diaper is bio-degradable and does not harm our environment. 


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