
Tinibees baby reusable cloth diapers | Washable cloth diaper for babies with free Insert (kitty cat)

Are you still using those use-and-throw diapers, which have chemicals?  Step out from them and opt for a smarter way. Our grandmoms and moms also used cotton cloths as diapers. Though they do not have a good soaking capacity and needs to be changed very often. Then those use-and-throw diapers came into the market and became very popular due to its hassle-free use and soaking capacity. But these diapers contain chemicals and no chemical is totally safe for your little one. Tinibees is providing you with baby washable cloth diaper, which is a chemical-free diapering option with lots of other perks. If you calculate your diapering cost for the long term, you will get to know that you are spending a huge amount on it. And most of the use-and-throw diapers are made of plastics, which hampers the environment.

This Tinibees baby washable cloth diaper comes with free inserts, which has an excellent soaking capacity and at the same time, it is totally chemical-free. We have used waterproof fabrication in order to craft these diapers, which keep your baby dry for a really long time. These diapers have four size-options, i.e. small, medium, large and also extra-large. All the sizes are available in one diaper. Yes, that is true, there are four layers of chit buttons and you can adjust the sizes with the help of those buttons as per your requirements. It offers great fitting and prevents leakage. The super-soft fabric makes the baby feel comfortable, so she stays active all day long. It is safe for both hand-washing and machine-washing.

As the sizes of the diapers are adjustable and you can reuse it several times by just only washing it, one diaper will last for a few years. So, it is saving your cost on a long term basis. This bio-degradable fabric does not harm the environment. By choosing this diaper, you can opt for an economical and eco-friendly diapering option with cute kitty cat prints.


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