Positive parenting is a parenting approach built on mutual respect. Parenting built on mutual respect means we handle our children as individuals and not as our own property. As human beings with feelings and the ability to think, process, and make judgments on their own. But how do you incorporate positive parenting? Tinibees is here to help with that!
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Let’s learn more about Positive Parenting Tips:-
- Set clear limits on your child’s behavior.
Sit down and have a family discussion on the family rules in your home. Let your child know what the consequences will be if they break the rules. Rules should be few, fair, easy to follow, enforceable and positively stated (e.g., Stay close to dad in the store, use a pleasant voice, wash your hands before meals.)
- Don’t feed into their emotional outbursts.

If your child misbehaves, stay calm and give them clear instructions to stop misbehaving and tell them what you would like them to do instead. (e.g., “Stop throwing. Play with the truck on the ground.”) Use specific praise with your child if they stop. (e.g., “Thank you for playing with the truck on the ground.”)
- Have realistic expectations.

All children misbehave at times, and it is inevitable that you will have some discipline challenges. Trying to be the perfect parent—and expecting the perfectly behaved kid—can set you up for frustration and disappointment.
- Guide your child through their mistakes & weaknesses.
Punishing a child is not as effective as using praise and rewards. Rather than focusing on weaknesses, find ways to assist your child in developing to their full potential. When encouraged, children will acquire talents to compensate for any deficiencies.
- Explain & Help them learn from their mistakes

When we discipline our children, it’s important to explain why. Children need to learn from their mistakes. They need to understand the consequences of their actions.
- Be consistent and keep your word
Children are smart, and they have good memories! They will learn very easily if you are not consistent and do not keep your word, and they will learn what they can get away with.
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